Bonus Content
Short Stories and Files from the Books of Ethne Erickson
Bonus Content
Short Stories and Book Archives
“I was always frustrated when a good book ended. I learned to love the characters and missed them once I reached the last page. I enjoyed the adventure and wanted it to last! I wanted to know what happened to the characters after the adventure, or even before! That’s why when I started writing, I wanted to make my character accessible and alive. This page is full of my character’s misadventures and additional stories that didn’t make the final book but begged to be told. Also, I will include the process of writing the book: paragraphs I leave out, brainstorming, and more! I hope to inspire future writers and connect fans with my characters in a personal and fun way. So from me to you, enjoy!”
-Ethne Erickson
Dragon Faith Gallery
Watercolor Art of the Characters in the Dragon Faith Chronicles.
Some characters shown are previews for upcoming books, so don't worry if you don't recognize them right away! Their stories are soon to be told.
Short Stories
SPOILER WARNING: Read all released books before enjoying the short stories!
Original short stories by Ethne Erickson written especially for fans who want to know more about their favorite books. Characters are always getting into trouble and a lot of those stories don't make it into the books. Here characters can run free and fans can follow their many adventures without the limits of page numbers.
The Very First Goodbye
An important new character is coming to the Dragon Faith universe. Introduced in Dragon Ice and there for the rest of the series, Samantha Vaskr-Slita, nicknamed Storm, is a mysterious fighter with a questionable past. Dive into her full backstory in this short story, and get ready to see her feature in Dragon Ice, coming soon!
Dragon Faith Archives
See how your favorite stories have evolved over the years!
Dragon Fall Archive Files
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